Planned Giving


Phelps Warren Society

You are invited to join the Phelps Warren Society which honors those who have included the American Friends of Attingham (AFA) in their estate planning. This is an excellent way to secure the future success of The American Friends of Attingham and the programming and scholarships we create to support The Attingham Trust courses.

Established in 1999, the Phelps Warren Society is named after the longest-serving president of the American Friends of Attingham – a person who worked tirelessly to build support for the Attingham Summer School. As a member of the Phelps Warren Society, you will be invited to special gatherings, and receive correspondence from the president informing you of important initiatives, future goals, and upcoming activities.


Thank you for considering a legacy gift to the American Friends of Attingham.

To learn more, click the button below to watch a brief webinar entitled “Your Legacy: Estate planning, philanthropy and the American Friends of Attingham” given by former AFA Treasurer Paul B. Parvis ’85, SP ’10, RCS ’12. 




The easiest way to support the AFA is by making a bequest in your will or trust, or by adding a codicil to an existing document. Several types of bequests are possible. They include:

  • Specific dollar amount or specified assets such as appreciated securities, real estate or other property
  • Residuary bequest providing all or portion of the residuary estate once other obligations have been met
  • Contingent Bequest – whereby the American Friends become beneficiary should the primary beneficiary no longer exist or cannot accept your bequest

We suggest that your attorney consider the following language:

I/we give, devise, and bequeath the sum of $_________________ (or % or other specified property) to the American Friends of Attingham, a not-for-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization, to be used for general purposes.

Please note: you may wish to add funds to an existing scholarship or establish one anew. An endowed and named scholarship fund requires a gift of $50,000 or more to our endowment. A gift of $150,000 to our endowment would fully fund the tuition costs of a worthy applicant to the summer school, for example. 


Life Insurance and Retirement Plan Gifts

It is also extremely easy to provide a significant estate gift for the American Friends of Attingham without changing your will. To do so does not require the services of an attorney. You simply request a change of beneficiary form from your life insurance or retirement plan administrator and name the American Friends of the Attingham Summer School, Inc. as a primary or contingent beneficiary.

It is very important that you include the AFA’s EIN, address, phone number, email address, and website on the beneficiary form. Our EIN is 13-6141970. 

Passing retirement assets on to a non-spousal heir will incur tax liability that can be avoided by naming American Friends of Attingham as the beneficiary.

For more information regarding the above legacy gifts, or other estate-planning opportunities such as remainder or lead trusts, please contact the AFA Administrator at (212) 682-6840 or .



Thank you for making a legacy gift to the American Friends of Attingham!