The American Friends of Attingham 
Scholarship Application for U.S.-based Applicants


Scholarship funds provided by the American Friends of Attingham may be available. A qualifying applicant wishing to apply for scholarship assistance for an Attingham Trust course must complete the scholarship application below as soon as they have submitted their course application. The deadline for the scholarship application is the same as the course application deadline. 

An applicant must also provide the first two pages of his/her most recent tax return and their W2. Please remember to redact your social security number. You may submit your tax return by encrypted or secure email; or, if you prefer, by regular mail sent to the office of the American Friends of Attingham. 

Note: Applicants who are members of the French Porcelain Society and have a professional or academic interest in ceramics are eligible for the new, French Porcelain Society 2025 Summer School Scholarship. Applicants for this scholarship should state clearly that they are an FPS member on the AFA Scholarship Application.

Please note: * denotes required field.